Security Forces under the aegis of HQ IGAR (South) conducted a friendly volleyball match at Singhat Village, Churachandpur district on Novemebr 18 with the youth and the security forces. This match was organised to motivate youth in the field of sports and to promote sports culture in border villages of Manipur. The event started with interaction with village youth followed by the match and culminated with light refreshments.
The 14 youngsters who attended the sports event were also briefed about vibrant sports culture in India, the importance of healthy and stress free life and the opportunities available in today’s environment in various sports genre.
In another such engagement, at Company Operating Base Chongjang, TegnoupalDist, a friendly volleyball match was organised between the teams of village Chongjang, village Gangpijang and the troops of Security Forces with the aim to promote sports culture in youth, channelize their energy and weaning them away from unhealthy or unlawful pitfalls. 23 youths participated in the match and were enthusiastically cheered by the villagers.
The youth displayed a great sense of sportsmanship and enthusiasm during the conduct of the match and the youth leader and villagers expressed their keenness to attend more such youth centric activities organised by the Security Forces.