
Narratives and counter narratives

Narratives and counter narratives will be the new norm in the present Manipur crisis and the readers will have to decide which to trust.

ByRK Nimai

Updated 22 May 2024, 4:54 am

Representational Image (Photo: Pixabay)
Representational Image (Photo: Pixabay)

The charge sheet filed by the NIA against a few Meitei who were arrested by the police on charges of extortion with weapons reportedly looted from the police armoury and immediately taken over by the NIA alleges that the NSCN(I-M) are supporting the Meitei groups particularly the PLA and the KYKL in their fight in Manipur which was immediately contradicted by the NSCN(I-M) which stated that they are neutral in the ethnic fight in Manipur and were equidistant to each warring community. It also makes very serious allegations that Kuki militants in Myanmar were armed by the Indian security forces (ISF) while earlier it was supporting Takmadaw and mention was made of supply of drones, etc. It even made the claim that both India and USA are supporting the rebels of Myanmar, which is a claim along expected lines.

It is expected that Indian security agencies will also come up with other narratives to counter the charges made by the NSCN(I-M), which was suspected for a very long time. Like many countries, India will be supporting both the military junta and the members of the NUG with the hope that both ends will be tied. One is not very clear why GoI had accused NSCN (I-M) as when the crisis started, it had impressed upon the IM leadership to be neutral which they did so though local level cadres were itching to join the crisis as the land dispute is mainly between the Naga and the Kuki. With the Meitei the area is limited on either side. It is true that representatives of Kuki had called upon IM leadership for support in the early days of the crisis which was politely turned down as they wanted good neighbours.

In the meantime due to conflict between VBIG and KNA(B) in the border areas across the border, the villagers have made very serious allegations about the support extended to the Myanmar based KNA(B) by the Indian security agencies and the inconveniences caused to the general public. References were made to the increase in the number of check posts manned by ISF and the restriction of movement which was countered by the ISF that in view of the heightened tension across the border, it is its responsibility to ensure that security is tightened and that is what they are doing. This is expected but the charges that the ISF were involved in the attack on the PLA camp across the border, if true are very serious charges, with claims emanating from the border villages that trucks with 25 men crossed the border with only fivr having returned thereby hinting that ISF personnel are operating within Myanmar territory.

There are even rumours that the ISF have crossed the border to bring back the dead and injured to Phaikoh by road and then taken by chopper elsewhere. This is a very significant rumour yet to be dispelled. Very little information trickle from across the border but those which come through SM indicate serious conflict between the VBIG and the Kuki-Chin groups and there seems pressure to the military junta not to provide support to the VBIG which may happen or not happen depending on the wish of the local commanders. The military junta is fighting a serious uprising and their survival is the priority; helping or not helping VBIG is secondary, which will depend on the current local condition.

The areas near Wanglee and Namlee have become the alternate route for trade with Myanmar after the start of the present crisis. Namlee was earlier the main route for timber smuggling but now betel nuts and many other items are being brought from across the border and there is a tendency to consider that this can be the main route for border trade with Myanmar, neglecting Moreh which is cleansed of Meitei and very much under the control of the Kuki. Perhaps the Kuki-Chin also felt that Moreh is likely to be bypassed and that Namlee is likely to be the main trade route and had done everything in its power to ensure that this route was made unsafe.


The ISF had regularly seized huge quantities of betel nuts from across the border as also timber running into hundreds of crores. Seizures with the approximate value were reported on a regular basis in the media but nobody is aware what happens thereafter. The seized items were reportedly handed over to the concerned agencies. After that it is only conjecture as these items were perhaps auctioned off quietly as there is hardly any advertisement for public auction of the seized items. There are allegations that these were auctioned off on the sly with the smuggling cartel the sole bidder and with the necessary papers of the auction, the items were taken to other parts of India as legal items.

For betel nuts, Nagpur is reportedly the main point as it is the capital of mitha supari in India. The concerned agencies both in the state and the central government need to clarify on the steps taken for disposal of the seized smuggled items like timber and betel nuts. Else the public will feel that very well connected persons who have the capacity to influence various agencies both in the state and the centre are involved in the smuggling operation. Only a detailed clarification by both governments will put to rest the suspicions of the general public.

The crisis has brought to the fore the intra-contradictions within the Kuki-Chin group. While ZRA is aligned with the Kuki in Manipur in their fight against the Meitei, it is the opposite in Myanmar. The Kuki fights the military junta in Myanmar while the ZRA supports the junta. The burying of a ZRA fighter killed in Myanmar in the cemetery meant for those killed in Manipur at Tuibong led to a confrontation between the Kuki and the Paite. The differences can lead to further tension among the Kuki-Chin communities. For the Kuki-Chin, as they are well adapted to nomadic life they are in the habit of moving to other parts of Myanmar.

From Chin State, they are now found in Sagaing Division and even in Shan state and the original settlers in these regions are adverse to them settling and conflict had arisen. This is the same story elsewhere as the Kuki are at loggerheads with many other communities, because of the same reason. It is not that the Kuki loves to fight but it is a conflict between those who migrate and those who had settled earlier. History is replete with the conflict between the two and the present crisis can be ascribed partly to it. They want the freedom to roam and settle wherever they want but in the 21st century this is no longer possible as land and resources are scarce and changes in the lifestyle have to be made to adapt to the present situation.

Mizoram had opposed obtaining biometrics of those who enter from Myanmar or Bangladesh which led to allegations that these migrants will be pushed into other states particularly Manipur. But recently the Mizoram Government has decided to obtain biometrics of all those who enter Mizoram from Myanmar and Bangladesh. A very sane decision as though they are from the cognate tribes, staying long or settling in the state will take away some of the opportunities from the native people which can lead to conflict. If the immigrants are large in number violence is most likely.

The letter from the MLA of Phungyar AC to the Chief Minister regarding the large number of illegal immigrants staying in relief camps in Kamjong area points to the problem faced in the border areas, where the administration is thin but the demand is high. When the immigrants outnumber the original villagers, the situation will become volatile. The concern of the MLA needs to be taken seriously.


From reports obtained from the villagers of the border villages, all the immigrants from other communities, except the Kuki-are keen to return to their native places once the situation there normalises but in the case of the Kuki many suspect that through thick and thin they will try to settle within Manipur, most probably go to the Kuki dominated areas, where they can easily hide. There is as yet no reaction from the government or from the Kuki side.

One point to remember is that when Chassad was burned by some persons about five or six years back, Kuki did not make allegations against the entire Tangkhul unlike in the present crisis where Meitei as a community is vilified leading to similar vilification of the entire Kuki-Chin by the Meitei though there are thousands of Kuki-Chin who has no interest in politics but want to lead a peaceful life and whose idea of Manipur do not differ much from that of the Meitei or Naga. Narratives and counter narratives will be the new norm in the present crisis and the readers will have to decide which to trust.

(The views expressed are personal)




First published:


nscn imkukisarms lootweapon lootmanipur police armouriesnia charge sheetsarm looting casechin state

RK Nimai

RK Nimai

The author is a former bureaucrat, Imphal, Manipur


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