Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Meghalaya, Northeast India on Sunday to attend the Golden Jubilee celebration of North Eastern Council (NEC). He was recieved by Chief Minister N Conrad K Sangma and state officials as he landed in Shillong.
"Welcomed Hon’ble Prime Minister, Sh.@narendramodi Ji to Meghalaya as he visits Shillong for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of @NEC_GoI. Glad to also have Hon’ble Union Minister for@MDoNER_India, Sh.@kishanreddybjp Ji with us," the chief minister said in a Twitter post on Sunday.
The prime minister is set to inaugurate, dedicate and lay the foundation stone of projects across various sectors during his visit to Meghalaya and Tripura.
According to the DoNER Ministry, infrastructure and development projects with a total cost of nearly Rs 2,500 crore will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister during the NEC Golden Jubilee celebration.
Five Facts About NEC
1. North Eastern Council (NEC) is under the administrative purview of Ministry of Development of the North-Eastern Region (MDoNER).
2. It was Established by an Act of the Parliament in 1971 (Act No. 84 of 1971).
3. NEC was formally inaugurated on November 7, 1972 at Shillong, Meghalaya. It mark the beginning of a new chapter of concerted and planned endeavour on the part of the Government of India for the North Eastern Region.
4. It originally consisting of seven states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.
5. Sikkim was included as the eighth member state through the NEC (Amendment) Act, 2002 (68 of 2002).