
‘Zo United’ forms cabinet in Aizawl

A new and common organisation for Kuki-Zo community of Manipur called 'Zo United's formed its Cabinet at Center YMA hall, Aizawl on Wednesday.

ByChurachandpur Correspondent

Updated 21 Sept 2023, 2:30 am

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A new and common organisation for Kuki-Zo community of Manipur called 'Zo United's formed its Cabinet at Center YMA hall, Aizawl on Wednesday.


The event was led by the Manipur cabinet minister Letpao Haokip and all other Zomi-Kuki-Hmar's MLAs and 48 delegates from the Zo descendants of Manipur.

The different Kuki-Zo organisations and representatives from Manipur had set up the Zo United since September 6. The forming of the cabinet was taken from all stakeholders that will spearhead the movement of the so-called Kuki-Zomi-Hmar demand for a ‘Separate Administration’ in Manipur.


The appointed Zo United committee members include MPC consultant Alber Rentlei as convenor; Zomi Council chairman John K Ngaihte as co-convenor; Kuki Inpi Manipur chairman Ajang Khongsai as co-convenor; acting president Hmar Inpui Hrilla Hmar as secretary; Helen Kipgen of COTU as finance; all tribe presidents as executive members, and chairman ITLF PaGin Haokip as information secretary.


First published:


separate administrationkuki zozo united

Churachandpur Correspondent

Churachandpur Correspondent

Churachandpur district, Manipur


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