
With no government support, locals repair Jiribam-Tipaimuk Road

The distance between Jiribam to Boro Bekra is only 30 km but people who travel this route often are facing untold grievances due to the pathetic road conditions

ByJiribam Correspondent

Updated 19 Dec 2022, 1:17 pm

(File Photo: IFP)
(File Photo: IFP)

The Jiri Apunba Khunai Choukhat Lup (JAKCL) of Boro Bekra Unit and the Barak Brother Union (BBU) jointly repaired the Jiri-Tipaimuk (JT) Road stretches, which is about 25 km without taking a single help from the government.

JAKCL president N Nabachandra on Monday stated that though the Central government had sanctioned fund for the road construction, the condition of Jiribam-Tipaimuk has been in a deplorable condition, resulting in several road accidents.

The distance between Jiribam to Boro Bekra is only around 30 km but it takes more than three hours to travel this route. People who travel this route often are facing untold grievances due to the pathetic road conditions, he said.


Considering the grievances, JAKCL and BBU jointly repaired the said road of some portion with the help of people, he added.

He informed that JT Road is one of the roads for execution of Tipaimuk Dam Project. As such, the Central government had released Rs 114 crore to repair the road around five years ago and even a tender process was done to choose the work agency, he added.

The state government should find out the reason for not reconstructing the road and they should construct the road with quality considering the difficulties faced by people from that side, he said while stating that they are unable to bear the problem caused by the poor condition of the road.


As such, they resolved to repair roads in their own initiatives, he said, but added that they can’t repair all dilapidated roads but only took up repairing work in some places.



First published:


jiribamroad repairtipaimukbbujt roadjakcl

Jiribam Correspondent

Jiribam Correspondent

Jiribam district, Manipur


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