The two-day Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra (VBSY) campaign for Tamenglong district started on Friday at three different places in the district, namely Utopia Ward No 1, Khanchunlong Ward No 7, Phunguang ward no 10.
The two-day yatra was organised under the supervision of Tamenglong District administration and the campaign will be concluded on Saturday by covering three different areas namely Chiuluan, Kahulong and Chaengdai.
At the venue, the officials of government departments of Tamenglong District opened their stalls to raise awareness regarding the flagship schemes to the public.
The list of government selected schemes during this two-day yatra are, Atal Pension Yojana, Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (Health Card), Enrolment in Eklavya Model Residential Schools, Har Ghar Jal-Ja Jeevan Mission, Kisan Credit Card and PM Kisan Saman, PM Awas Yojana (Rural), PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, PM Poshan Abhiyan, PM Ujjwala Yojana, RCS: Udan, Saubhagaya Yojana, Van Dhan Vikas Kendra: Organising Self Help Groups.
The programme was also attended by VBSY, observer Varun Mehta, CEO, SDOs, DLOs, village chairmen and secretaries.
‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ is a nationwide campaign to raise awareness through outreach activities to achieve saturation of schemes for providing basic amenities like sanitation facilities, essential financial services, access to LPG connections, housing for the poor, food security, proper nutrition, reliable healthcare, clean drinking water, quality education etc. and making required services accessible to all targeted and eligible beneficiaries.