
Spell out crisis management measures: Forum

It is time for people to question the Centre if it was waiting for the crisis to boil over or striving to restore peace, Forum for Restoration of Peace said.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 9 Aug 2023, 1:48 am


The Forum for Restoration of Peace on Tuesday demanded the state government to come clean on the measures and initiatives meted out to restore normalcy in Manipur.

The forum also maintained that it was time for the people of Manipur to collectively pressure the central government and demand a swift solution to the crisis.

“It is time for people to question the Centre if it was waiting for the crisis to boil over or striving to restore peace,” the forum stated.


Speaking to the media at the Manipur Press Club in Majorkhul, forum convenor Ashang Kasar questioned the central leaders if they were waiting for the communal fault lines to deepen so that the state’s territory would break naturally.

“The crisis has been on for more than three months and it has become clear that the centre has not batted an eye to resolve the crisis; the disregard has clearly shown that they are not at all concern about the people but are only after the land,” he said.

He maintained that at this juncture, it was time for the state government to lay bare the initiatives and measures which they have implemented till now.

If not, the government must accept accountability for any untoward incidents which fall off as a result of their incompetence, he added.


He stated that peacebuilding in Manipur would not be possible unless an honest effort centred on peace initiatives was meted out.

The forum convenor also condemned the recent alleged targeted physical assault on the president of Kom Union Manipur by suspected Kuki militants.

“Fights between two equals on the battlefield is permissible but the recent targeted of suspected Kuki militants on unarmed innocent civilians in certain areas can be viewed as a move to further fuel the crisis unnecessarily,” he said.

He further appealed to all people to do away with unnecessary boycotts and instead strive collectively to devise a strategy to pressure the central government for a final answer to the crisis.


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meiteiskukismanipur violencemanipur crisisnormalcy

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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