
Shots fired at truck transporting Nagas

Rongmei Naga people, who were returning home from their farm in a truck at Leisok under Khoupum Police station in Noney district, were attacked at Laimaton..

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 6 Aug 2023, 4:41 pm

(Photo: IFP)
(Photo: IFP)


Suspected Kuki militants reportedly fired gunshots at a vehicle transporting Rongmei Naga community in Noney district around 6.30 pm Saturday.   

As per sources, the Rongmei Naga people were on their way back home in Leisok under Khoupum Police station in Noney district from their farm in Laimaton on a Tata Truck. The suspected Kuki militants fired shots at the truck from a bunker in Laimaton, added the sources.


No casualties were reported but some parts of the truck were destroyed. The case has been resolved as the two communities came to an agreement after the Kukis apologized for their act, the sources added.


First published:


noneykuki militantskhoupummanipur violencerongmei nagalaimaton attack

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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