
Protect democracy during counting: AICC

AICC has started a Monitoring Center in Delhi which will be working full-time for 24 hours, The All India Congress Committee (AICC) stated.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 4 Jun 2024, 4:31 am

(PHOTO: Wikimedia Commons)
(PHOTO: Wikimedia Commons)

The All India Congress Committee (AICC) called upon every Congress party worker to be alert during the Counting phase on Tuesday and appealed to them to step out of their homes to protect democracy.

AICC, in a statement on Monday alleged the BJP and their leaders of repeatedly violating the Moral Code of Conduct, openly speaking about changing the Constitution and attempting to kill Indian Democracy.


Cautioning the Congress party workers of such ethically corrupt alleged conduct of the BJP, it urged them to reach the district Congress offices and state Congress headquarters to help the party’s efforts in safeguarding the votes.

It also requested State In-Charges to make all necessary arrangements for the party workers at Congress offices as well as to ensure transportation arrangements to mobilise the workers to any place where there is an issue in counting.

AICC has started a Monitoring Center in Delhi which will be working full-time for 24 hours, it mentioned. It alerted the workers to record any suspicious activity happening at a counting center on their phone and send the video immediately to the Committee’s Helpline number- 91 7982839236.


A huge legal team has also been established to take necessary action on any such discrepancy, it added. It also informed to send the name of the Counting Centre and the Lok Sabha Constituency along with the video to mobile number- 9560822897.

It further requested every Congress worker to be in contact with local voters and communicate any information on counting discrepancies to the Congress party’s headquarters. It maintained that the election will decide the fate of the Constitution and urged them to extend their support and cooperation to stop all possible disruptions and malpractices during the vote counting process.


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congressvote countingaicclok sabha elections 2024lok sabha 2024 election result

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

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