
Pharmacies harassed over scheduled drugs: MCDA

“Pharmacies across Manipur are unable to maintain stock of critical Schedule X and H1 drugs due to unwarranted actions by law enforcement, despite having valid permits and licenses. This situation is jeopardising patient care in the state."

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 24 May 2024, 6:17 am


The Manipur Chemists and Druggists Association (MCDA) on Thursday raised concerns over alleged harassment by law enforcement agencies targeting pharmacies in the state.

These pharmacies are reportedly being penalised for selling Schedule X and H1 drugs, despite possessing the necessary permits and licenses.

During a press briefing held at the MCDA office in Imphal on Thursday, MCDA president RK Rakesh addressed the media, highlighting the plight of local pharmacies.

He stated that the fear of continuous raids and harassment has led many pharmacies to avoid stocking these essential life-saving drugs, potentially endangering public health.


“Pharmacies across Manipur are unable to maintain stock of critical Schedule X and H1 drugs due to unwarranted actions by law enforcement, despite having valid permits and licenses. This situation is jeopardising patient care in the state,” Rakesh said .

Elaborating on the issue, MCDA general secretary Th Dijamani noted that the problem stems from concerns over the illicit drug trade in Manipur.

He acknowledged that a small fraction of pharmacies, estimated at one or two percent may be misusing their licenses to engage in illegal activities.

However, he emphasised that these actions have unfairly tarnished the reputation of the entire pharmacy community.

“The actions of a few should not lead to the vilification of all pharmacies in the state. Legitimate businesses are suffering due to the misconduct of a minority,” he asserted.

The general secretary also brought attention to the burgeoning issue of online drug sales in Manipur and revealed that numerous online vendors are selling drugs without the necessary permits, and many of these products are counterfeit.


He said, these fake drugs are packaged to resemble genuine medications, luring customers with significantly lower prices but providing ineffective treatment.

“Online drug sales without proper authorisation are flooding the market with counterfeit medications. These fake drugs are not only ineffective but potentially harmful, undermining the health of unsuspecting consumers,” Dijamani warned.

In response to these challenges, the MCDA has called on the government to take appropriate actions to address these concerns.

They also urged the public to be vigilant and avoid purchasing medications from unauthorised online sources.

Furthermore, the association cautioned pharmacies against selling Schedule X and H1 drugs without following the requisite prescription and regulatory procedures, warning that violators would face severe consequences, including termination of their supply.


First published:


harassmentscheduled drugsh1 drugsManipur Chemists and Druggists Association

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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