
PANDM demands setting up of Price Fixation Committee

PANDM pointed out the need to set up a Chambers of Commerce and form a Price Fixation Committee at the earliest in view of the surge in prices of essential commodities amid the conflict situation.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 12 May 2023, 12:04 pm

(Representational Image: Unsplash)
(Representational Image: Unsplash)

The Peoples’ Action for National Democratic Movement (PANDM) on Thursday demanded to establish a Chambers of Commerce and form a Price Fixation Committee at the earliest in view of the surge in prices of essential commodities in the State triggered by the prevailing conflict situation.

The Association, on Thursday, continued their surprise checking at many shops in various areas across the state, in which they found several shops selling essential commodities at rectified high rates, stated a release. Following which, the inspecting team made the shopkeepers return the additional amount charged to the customers, it mentioned.


PANDM pointed out that there is no Manipur Chambers of Commerce at present in the State and expressed discontentment that businessmen continue to sell essential commodities at prices rectified by them at whims despite appeals and even warnings to refrain from such activities. The situation indicates that there is no Rule of Law in the State, it stated.

Members of the Association also held talks with staff of Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission and also met with DCDRC and Consumers’ Club regarding the same, it mentioned.

Stressing the need for people to act voluntarily to curb such activities, PANDM asserted that the Association resolved to volunteer and conduct the drive in larger interest of the public and added that necessary legal proceedings will be initiated against those businessmen involved in such scams. 


The Association further expressed discontentment over noticing the alleged involvement of police personnel and some people posing as Civil Society Organisations in facilitating the sellers and traders involved in the scams for mere personnel gains instead of taking necessary appropriate actions against them. It also urged Food Safety Department to look into the matter and initiate necessary actions without further delay.

PANDM warned of stringent actions against those found involved in illegal hoarding of items, price hike, artificial scarcity etc. It further urged those concerned to immediately stop said activities and not add more woes to the public who are reeling under hard times owing to the prevalent communal unrest in the State.

PANDM reiterated its demand to establish Chambers of Commerce and form a Price Fixation Committee at the earliest and also called upon relevant Government Departments, Police Departments and interested Civil Society Organisation to extend their support and cooperation in curbing such activities.


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pandmmanipur chambers of commerceprice fixation committee

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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