
Old age home residents to become cadaver donors

Cadaver donation in Manipur has been a rare case but extremely precious for medical students in studying human anatomy, JNIMS director Laishram Deben said.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 2 May 2024, 4:48 pm


Eleven elderly persons staying at Old Age home, Mongshangei Makha Leikai, Imphal West have registered for cadaver donation to donate their bodies after death for the advancement of medical science.

The programme was organised on Tuesday by All Manipur Senior Citizens’ Welfare Association. During the programme, the 11 elderly persons from the home, including president of the association and his wife, also registered for cadaver donation.


On the occasion, director of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Science (JNIMS), Manipur Laishram Deben said cadaver donation will make medical students benefit greatly in studying human anatomy, and the noble gesture is the most precious decision a person can make.

He said cadaver donation in Manipur has been a rare case but extremely precious for medical students in studying human anatomy. JNIMS authorities are extremely grateful with the decision of the elderly persons staying at the Old Age home.

Since it is almost impossible to buy human bodies, opting for cadaver donation at JNIMS for medical students is highly commendable, he said. In order to study human anatomy by medical students, the human bodies were imported from outside the state earlier. However, the increase in numbers of cadaver donors could solve the issue, he added.


Deben said JNIMS authority will be providing medical examinations for the residents of the home from time to time, and he assured that a physiotherapist will be examining them weekly, starting from the ongoing week.

JNIMS authority is ready to provide any sort of necessary health assistance for the inmates of the home, he said. Deben further appealed for more cadaver donation by considering the better future of the medical students.

The JNIMS authority later donated edible items, including rice, edible dal, clothing and others for the residents of the old-age home.


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body donationcadaver donorcadaver donation

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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