
Not communal crisis but vested interests’ attempt to divide Manipur, says COCOMI

"COCOMI will not simply stand witness as the plans of the vested interests unfold."

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 13 May 2023, 11:11 am

(Representational Image: Pixabay)
(Representational Image: Pixabay)

The Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) on Friday appealed to all the people of the state to be wary of the vested interests behind the ongoing crisis in the state.


A release issued by COCOMI media coordinator Th Somorendro alleged that the ongoing crisis in the state was planned by vested interests from outside Manipur with the agenda of dividing the integrity of Manipur who manipulated the oblivious innocent people of the state turning them against each other. The vested interests who have no remorse for Manipur had been leeching off of the Kuki communities, it claimed.

It condemned the 10 MLAs of the state who were demanding the Indian government for a separate administration from Manipur, alleging that it is evident that the ongoing crisis is not simply a communal crisis, but planned events to divide the integrity of Manipur hatched by parties involving many prominent political figures. It stated that COCOMI will not simply stand witness as the plans of the vested interests unfolds, stating that the organisation is prepared to take up necessary actions accordingly.

“In regard to the recent turn of events, COCOMI will redirect its attention and efforts in stopping the vested interests who are attempting to divide the integrity of Manipur. COCOMI also appealed to the people of the state to identify ones’ bloods from the vested interests. It is high time we all come together and fight against the devious external forces,” it added.


It stated that the organisation had been working to restore peace in the state. Although the civil unrest has simmered down in most valley regions of the state, there are still reports of SoO Kuki militants attacking the innocent civilians in the hills and valley bordering regions, it alleged. There have been many reports of casualties in security forces in the hands of the SoO Kuki militants and COCOMI had been drawing the attention of the authorities in this regards, it continued.

COCOMI acknowledges the age old relationship between Kuki and Meitei, which is evident from the love and support between the Meitei and other communities including Hmar Paite during the outbreak of the crisis, it added.


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cocomimanipur violence10 mlas

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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