
No remorse

In times of war also, soldiers do not have the luxury of showing remorse for enemies killed and maimed in combat.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 2 Nov 2023, 8:34 am


Cold-blooded killers show no remorse for the killing and agony caused by the killings. It is their purpose. In times of war also, soldiers do not have the luxury of showing remorse for enemies killed and maimed in combat. Yet, common folks including the leaders joining the chorus of celebrations after merciless killings including justification for the killings are certainly a cause for concern.

The day a MCS police officer was killed at Moreh by a bullet from a sniper rifle fired by suspected Kuki militants, the social media was awash with justifications while blaming the state government for sending in state forces to the border town despite their objections. As the officer was killed on duty, the Manipur Cabinet in an emergency meeting announced an ex-gratia of Rs 50 lakh the very same day and took a decision to launch combing operations to flush out the militants. Suddenly, they began to cry wolf. When a Kuki police Sub Inspector Onjamang Haokip was killed ‘in the line of duty’ the state government was not so generous, as they say.


However, they conveniently forgot to mention that the said police SI was among the attackers who raided a Meitei village near Kumbi. Nor did they shed a single tear for the two teenagers who were kidnapped and suspected killed near Joujangtek near Old Cachar Road. Instead, they blamed the teenagers for venturing into Kuki areas. When the photos of the teenagers alive and supposedly killed afterwards became viral in the social media, there was not a condemnation from the Kuki leaders and intelligentsia.

When CBI began investigations and managed to arrest a few accused persons from the area, they cried foul and questioned the swiftness of CBI action. They also called into question the swift action by NIA in arresting Seiminlun Gangte, an accused in the Kwakta bomb blast. They claimed that Seiminlun was a school teacher while accusing the central agencies of dilly-dallying with investigations in which Kukis are victims. Condemnations from the CSOs in the valley when the video of naked parade became viral followed as they were shocked by the images and as they had a sense of humanity left in their hearts and minds even with the deadly clashes going on.

On the other hand, they celebrated the burning of Meitei settlements and even posed for group photographs. When the rape of a Meitei housewife in Churachandpur came out in the media, they mocked and projected it as a pack of lies.


The social media became their weapon of choice as funds are being poured in from sources unknown and blasted the world with their one-sided narratives. As they continue to burn Meitei settlements in Kuki dominated areas and attack villages in the periphery of the valley, they lobbied hard in international forums and foreign countries projecting themselves as victims of Meitei atrocities and oppression.

As Meiteis retaliated, they cried foul and they even murdered some Meitei village volunteers inside a church. As the state tries to maintain their writ in Moreh, they object to it. They have managed to run off most of the Meitei population and burned their homes and properties. While even a semblance of humanity is missing in their actions and words, they are still projecting themselves as victims.


First published:


meiteiskukismanipur violencesdpo morehmanipur boilong

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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