The Manipur Naga Youth Organisation (MNYO) on Monday addressed the recent speculations surrounding a photograph of MNYO’s informal sitting with Arambai Tenggol officials which went viral on social media and clarified that the same is nothing more than a courtesy visit by the AT officials.
The short cordial meeting with MNYO and AT which lasted for about 30 minutes informally dwelt on the probable incidents that could arise out of misunderstandings especially in and around Imphal valley between the Meitei and the Naga communities given the prevailing situation in the state, stated a release from MNYO Publicity & Media Cell.
There was no hidden matter as such that transpired during the meeting, it asserted and urged all concerned not to be swayed away easily by mere speculations. It added that the meeting was focused on fostering peace among different communities in the Imphal valley area.
It further mentioned that both the parties expressed confidence in restoring peace and harmony in the interest of the people of the state and for the sake of humanity. The brief meeting also emphasized the importance of giving respect to each other in building a society for peaceful co-existence, it maintained.