
Minor girl rescued from Karnataka

The minor was reportedly taken to Hyderabad in December 2023 under the pretext of employment by one Chaoba (name changed), an individual from Imphal East, Manipur.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 5 May 2024, 4:15 pm

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Manipur Department of Social Welfare has successfully rescued a minor girl who was allegedly held captive in Belgaum, Karnataka.

The rescue operation, initiated based on a distress call received by the Director, Social Welfare from Somenanda, an executive member of the Manipur Students Association Delhi (MSAD), unfolded a tale of intrigue and concern for the safety of the victim, Daisy (name changed), aged about 16-17 years.

Directorate of Social Welfare, government of Manipur, in a press release on Saturday, stated that according to the information provided by Somenanda, Daisy, a resident of Salungpham, Thoubal district, was reportedly taken to Hyderabad in December 2023 under the pretext of employment by one Chaoba (name changed), an individual from Imphal East, Manipur.

However, concerns arose when Daisy’s communication with her family ceased, with her allegedly using Chaoba’s mobile phone to contact her family.


Upon receiving the distressing information, the Department of Social Welfare, under the leadership of Director Ng Uttam Singh and Deputy Director K. Saroja Devi, promptly mobilized a team of officers to investigate the matter.

The team conducted a thorough background check and preliminary inquiry, collaborating with law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders.

The gravity of the situation prompted the deployment of a team of officers to Karnataka on May 2, 2024. With the assistance of the Department of Child Protection, Government of Karnataka, and local authorities, the team located Daisy in Belgaum on May 3, 2024. The Child Welfare Committee, Belgaum, District Child Protection Unit, Belgaum, and Tilakwadi Police Station provided invaluable support throughout the rescue operation.

Upon interaction with Daisy and Chaoba, certain revelations came to light, challenging the initial narrative of forceful detention. Daisy asserted that her mother was aware of her friendship with Chaoba and that their journey to Hyderabad was voluntary, driven by the desire to seek employment opportunities. They eventually found employment at a Dhaba in Belgaum after leaving a gym where Daisy had previously worked in Hyderabad.

However, discrepancies emerged regarding Daisy’s age and the nature of her relationship with Chaoba. While Daisy claimed to be over 18 years old, her family has yet to provide a credential age proof certificate to substantiate her claim. Moreover, Chaoba’s mobile phone, crucial for communication, was reportedly damaged.


The Department of Social Welfare deemed it necessary to further investigate the case and take appropriate action in accordance with the law. Nevertheless, ensuring Daisy’s safety remained paramount, leading to her repatriation to Manipur on May 3, 2024. The reunion between Daisy and her family, facilitated by the Department of Social Welfare, emphasised the importance of coordinated efforts in safeguarding vulnerable individuals.

The Department has been making earnest appeals to the general public to obtain approval from the concerned Child Welfare Committee before sending any child who is in need of care and protection to some other states. For this, sufficient processing time should be given to the CWC for verification of the institute where the child is being taken to.

Even in the case of children and adults, especially females, under the care and protection of parents, maximum care should be taken before sending their children to some other place outside the state- be it for free education, free coaching, free job/skill training or for a lucrative job.

Proper verification of the institute or work place to which the child/young adults are being sent shall be carried out. Further, a job may appear to pay much higher in some other states than that in Manipur but considering the cost of living in those states, a moderate paying job in Manipur may have a higher overall return, it stated.

We should not forget that “Human Trafficking is a well organised crime that can completely destroy the future of your child or may even lead to loss of lives” and such crimes do exist. Loss of livelihood, property, career and hope among the youngsters due to the current turmoil in the state coupled with poverty and less job opportunities will make our youngsters easy prey for the human traffickers. Hence, the parents, CSOs, NGOs, the law enforcing agencies and concerned Department shall be extra vigilant and there shall be seamless coordination among the stakeholders to combat human trafficking, it mentioned.


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human traffickingng uttamminor girl rescued

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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