
Manipur: Lecturers hold protest in front of SSA office

The lecturers are demanding clearance of 13-month pending salary.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 18 May 2024, 4:00 am


On the 4th day of the ongoing agitations in demand for the clearance of 13-month pending salary, 603 lecturers demonstrated a silent protest in front of SSA main gate, Babupara, Imphal on Friday.

The demonstration started from the campus of SSA complex, Babupara on Tuesday. In the late evening, the lecturers held a meeting with the director education department (S) but failed to bring a positive response.


On the next day, the lecturers continued the agitation by storming the CM Bungalow. As they were not allowed to meet the CM, the lecturers stormed the Directorate of Education (S) located at Lamphel, Imphal West. As a part of the agitation, the protestors locked down the directorate office and its main gate.

Similar agitations were also conducted on Thursday, and the protestors staged a sit-in in front of the directorate office, Lamphel as their demands were not fulfilled.

The protestors told the media earlier that the 603 lecturers are dedicated teachers and demanding their rights. The teachers have been teaching the students without getting their monthly salary for the last 13 months.

They are even producing toppers, specific subject toppers while the pass percentage of government higher secondary schools is increasing, they expressed.


While the 603 lecturers are suffering and demanding for their rights, state government is celebrating the increase in pass percentage by side-lining the issues of the teachers who are putting efforts.

On Friday, the lecturers continued their agitation by holding silent protests in front of SSA office located at Babupara, Imphal.

Protestors demonstrated the silent protest with placards that read, “Teachers without a year’s pay is human right violation”, “Educators deserve respect not excuse”, “is employment without pay the new norm” and others.


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pending salarylecturers protestmanipur government lecturers

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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