A devastating fire reportedly gutted houses inhabited by eight families along with shops and storerooms at New Bazar, near the old Churachandpur Cinema Hall, Thangzam Road, Hill Town, with the total cost of destruction estimated to be around Rs 4-5 crore.
The fire erupted at Dongzakai Cinema Hall area, Hollywood Street, New Bazaar, Hill town. The fire, suspected to have originated from an electrical short circuit, erupted at approximately 3 am near Dongzakai Cinema Hall area, New Bazaar, Hill town, before being subdued by a joint effort involving the Fire Brigade, Police, Assam Rifle, and the public by 5.30 am.
The fire is believed to have started from '100 Store' owned by certain residents of the area and was allegedly due to an electric short circuit. As the time of the incident was late and many residents of the area were asleep, most of the fires in the area were not controllable by the time it was found out.
After the fire was witnessed by a night watchman of a nearby shopping complex, the Fire Brigades were called who promptly came and helped fight the fire. However, their water reserve was exhausted and the Assam Rifles tankers and private water supplies had to be called. However, the fire was so wild that it could not be controlled.
During the inferno, a woman reportedly jumped down from her two-story building and is being treated at the Churachandpur District Hospital. No human casualties were reported.
The fire resulted in significant property damage and personal injury. The kutcha house with a tin roof belonging to Baikmoi (60), wife of the late Dalsuanthang, was completely reduced to ashes. The two-storey pucca building owned by Zathanga (59) was also consumed by the flames.
The kutcha house with a tin roof owned by Thangsuanmang (53) suffered a similar fate, being reduced to ashes. Nengjakim Haokip, widow of the late Khaikholam, saw her semi-pucca one-storey house partially burnt.
The kitchen room property on the second floor of Rualneihkhumi's two-storey pucca building, rented by Subash Khadka (45) from Siliguri, West Bengal, was completely destroyed.
Additionally, Joysil Niangngaihkimi (32), daughter of Zathanga, sustained an injury to her left back thigh while leaping from the second floor of her house to escape the flames. She was promptly evacuated to the District Hospital for medical treatment for her laceration injury.
Sources said that officers from the Police, AR and leaders of the Hills Town Village authority were at the spot till the fire was put out even as people from nearby villages/localities rushed to help.
The Hill Town Village Authority said that all those eight families had their belongings completely burned down and were just with the clothes they were wearing when they escaped the fire. They also expressed their gratitude to all who put in efforts to put out the fire, including YPA Centre Lamka, YMA Lamka Branch for their efforts among others.