Unknown miscreants reportedly stole wood and other items worth around Rs 2.8 lakh from a furniture store at Kwakeithel in Imphal West during the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday.
The furniture store, ‘Khuman Furniture’ is located at Kwakeithel Konjeng Leikai, Imphal West under Singjamei police station.
Store proprietor Heikrujam Somorjit said it was found that some miscreants broke inside the store and stole some wood and other items when his father H Gulapi opened the store around 6 am on Thursday.
Due to the heavy downpour of rain on Wednesday, his father had closed and locked the store around 6 pm and there was no one left inside the store due to the bad weather.
The thieves have stolen wood for furniture and machines, he claimed. It is reported that similar incidents had taken place at a nearby automobile workshop some days ago.