In the wake of a devastating attack by Kuki militants in Laikhong, Imphal East during the onset of the ongoing crisis in Manipur, where 83 houses were vandalised and reduced to ashes, the villagers are now facing dire conditions, seeking refuge in makeshift shelters devoid of basic amenities.
While the women and children are huddled together in relief camps, their male counterparts seek shelter in a community hall without walls, fences, or electricity guarded by a meagre 20 personnel of the IRB.
The latest assault on the village on Sunday, resulting in the destruction of two excavators and one SUV, has exacerbated their plight, leaving them fearful to resume their livelihood activities (particularly sand mining) along the nearby riverbank.
During a visit by the COCOMI and media representatives, the villagers voiced their grievances, citing negligence by the government and the urgent need for assistance.
L Bimol, president of Laikhong Village Authority, emphasised the necessity of additional state forces and financial support from the government to facilitate the announced resettlement scheme, for which the villagers have already submitted the required documents to the concerned DC.
He was frustrated over the lack of government aid beyond basic rations and stated, “How long are we going to survive with the mere ration provided by the government? We want to unite with our family and stay together under one roof as like before the crisis. But we don’t have any home.”
Drawing the attention of the government, he appealed for speedy sanctioning of the resettlement scheme and to provide at least extra 10 personnel of state forces for rebuilding their lives with safety measures.
In addition to Laikhong, neighbouring villages such as Moirang Purel and Itham have also been visited by COCOMI and media teams, extending support to village volunteers and activists.
Coordinator of COCOMI Th Somorendro highlighted the urgency of restoring normalcy in the affected areas, advocating for the deployment of additional state security forces which are trusted by the public and the allocation of funds for housing reconstruction and livelihood restoration.
As the villagers of Laikhong and surrounding areas continue to grapple with hardship, their plea for government intervention grows louder, highlighting the pressing need for swift and comprehensive assistance to rebuild their shattered community.