
Manipur cabinet declares Rs 50 lakh as ex-gratia to SDPO Anand's family

The Manipur cabinet recommends declaration of WKZIC as an unlawful organisation.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 2 Nov 2023, 5:42 pm

Representational Image (Photo: Pixabay)
Representational Image (Photo: Pixabay)

An emergency Cabinet meeting held on Tuesday following the unprovoked killing of MPS officer Chingtham Anand Kumar, Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO), Moreh, a resident of Haobam Marak Chingtham Leikai, Imphal by Kuki militants condemned the act in strongest terms and directed to launch a joint operation in Moreh and adjoining areas and continue till the culprits are arrested. 

The Cabinet meeting held at the Chief Minister’s Office at 11 am noted that additional state forces have been detailed from Imphal for the purpose and the operations have since started.

The Cabinet approved an ex-gratia of Rs 50 lakh as compensation for the death of Chingtham Anand Kumar, considering the special duty in a special area. A suitable government employment shall also be provided to the next-of-kin of the deceased martyr.


ALSO READ: Manipur Unrest: SDPO Moreh Ch Anand killed by sniper bullet in Moreh

The meeting deliberated upon the emergent law and order situation arising in the state after the killing. It noted that both sides of the ethnic conflict had been exercising restraint and peace had been maintained for the past one-and-half to two months.

While a sense of normalcy was slowly settling in, the police officer was killed in an unprovoked firing by armed Kuki militants while he was on duty overseeing the cleaning of the grounds of Eastern Shine School for construction of a helipad, jointly by state force and BSF. 

The Cabinet further directed that the Central and state forces shall ensure free movement of transportation and general public along Pallel-Moreh road on NH-102. 

It was further decided that no illegal armed personnel shall be permitted in or around Moreh, considering the strategic position of Moreh town under India’s Act East Policy.


The Cabinet also noted that an organisation, the World Kuki-Zo Intellectual Council (WKZIC) had issued a press release on October 24 calling upon the Kuki-Zo community that during this November, before the harvesting season, the community will face another war; and arms and ammunition should therefore be in sufficient stock. 

ALSO READ: FIR lodged against Kuki-Zo Council

The said release informed that the youth volunteers would be the ones going to face the war on the frontlines, and that its national army/UG groups will join the youth volunteers only in critical situations, citing that this would be because Kuki National army/UG groups would not be able to join the war freely in view of SOO agreement.  It further informed that its national volunteers shall be equipped with the best arms and if required, ammunition will be supplied without limit.

The Cabinet noted that an FIR has already been lodged against the organization on Monday. In view of the incident leading to the killing of a senior police officer, the Cabinet approved to also recommend for declaration of the World Kuki-Zo Intellectual Council (WKZIC), as an unlawful association/organization under section 3 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.


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kukimanipur violencewkzicWorld Kuki-Zo Intellectual Councilmoreh sdpomoreh oc

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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