
Manipur: Attacks continue on Meitei villages

Kuki militants persists in their attacks on Meitei villages as they carried out another attacks by firing gunshots at Koutruk under Lamshang Police station and Khurkhul Maning under Sekmai Police station around 8.30 pm on Friday.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 4 May 2024, 3:11 am

Representational Image (PHOTO: Unsplash)
Representational Image (PHOTO: Unsplash)

As the incidents of violence in the state completes of year, Kuki militants persists in their attacks on Meitei villages as they carried out another attacks by firing gunshots at Koutruk under Lamshang Police station and Khurkhul Maning under Sekmai Police station around 8.30 pm on Friday.  

Sources said that 2nd, 3rd, 7th IRB and 7th MR personnel deployed at Koutruk also retaliated to the attack carried out by the Kuki militants from Haraothel and Mulai side, while the gunfight has been going on till the filing of this report. No casualties were reported.


Meanwhile, Kuki militants also attacked Senjam Chirang under Lamshang Police Station around 8.45 pm. The 6th MR personnel and village volunteers of Senjam Chirang did not retaliate to the attack, said reports.

Protest in Kakching demands end to ongoing violence

Internally displaced persons taking shelter in six different relief camps opened at Kakching district headquarters and people of Kakching carried out a sit-in protest demanding to stop the ongoing violence which has already been a year and to let them return home.


During the protest held at Naohal Lai Lampak in Kakching Keithel, protesters expressed their pain and sorrow faced by them during the one year long violence after their homes were burned down by Kuki-narco terrorists. Protesters chanted various slogans and placards were also displayed.

Meanwhile, VEDSCO Khangabok and Apunba Meira Paibi Lup, khangabok paid floral tributes to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the ongoing violence. A one-minute silence was also observed to pay homage to the departed souls at a one year remembrance day of the violence held at Khnagbok Lamlong Bazar.


First published:


meiteiskukismanipur violencekoutruk

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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