
Irate meira paibis remove barricades on RIMS route

Erecting barricades on the route connecting Lamphel Khunou by ignoring the directives issued by the court is an illegal activity, the meira paibis alleged.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 24 May 2024, 6:03 am


Irate meira paibis of Lamphel Khunou on Thursday forcefully removed the barricades erected on the route located on the northern side of RIMS Morgue, alleging that RIMS authority had been putting hindrances to the movement of the locals by ignoring the court directives to remove the barricades.

Erecting barricades on the route connecting Lamphel Khunou by ignoring the directives issued by the court is an illegal activity, the meira paibis alleged.  

The incident took place around 10 am when a large group of meira paibis approached the barricades erected by RIMS Security at eastern and southern gates on the northern route of RIMS morgue, and threw down the barricades into the drain after removing them. Lamphel Khunou meira paibi, secretary Karam Chaoba expressed that after a long dispute, the court announced on September 5, 2014 that RIMS Authority must not put hindrances on the movement of people, domestic works and religious activities on the said route.  


During the tenure of RIMS director A Santa, the route was blocked by locking the gate as a result of the pandemic. The locals were made to travel on the route where the morgue is located, he said.    

After G Sunil Kumar Sharma took charge as the director, RIMS security started harassing the locals who travelled on the particular route by questioning them or prohibiting their movement, he mentioned. 

The distressed locals filed a plea in the court of District Judge, Imphal West. On February 16, 2024, a fresh order was issued stating that RIMS should stop blocking the route, he further said. RIMS Authority ignored the order and continued harassing the locals by erecting barricades, he alleged. The locals of Lamphel khunou have run out of patience, he further said, adding, the authorities concerned should look into the issue to prevent any further escalation.

Meanwhile, a release issued by Manipur Security Service stated that they have been carrying out their duties as per the strict instructions issued by the RIMS Director.


The RIMS security has not violated the court order, it stated. The movement of people from Lamphel Khunou, domestic works and religious activities are allowed by RIMS security, it said.

“However, we have put up a poster which says that only the locals of Lamphel Khunou are allowed to pass the route,” it said. The arrangement is made considering the security of medical students from other states of Northeast and the rest of the country at the backdrop of the conflict in Manipur, it stated.

The locals have been continuously tearing down the poster and removing the barricades, it further stated. Providing protection of the students is our duty and the locals have committed injustice with their acts of vandalising the barricades, it added.


First published:


meira paibisRIMS Morguebarricades on RIMS route

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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