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International Harm Reduction Day observed

This observance underscores the importance of adopting harm reduction approaches, which have been demonstrated to save lives and protect communities, Manipur Users Collective stated in a press release.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 8 May 2024, 1:11 am

Representational Image (Photo: Pixabay)
Representational Image (Photo: Pixabay)

Manipur Users Collective (MUC) on Tuesday observed the International Harm Reduction Day along with the global community, a significant initiative aimed at promoting evidence-based strategies to address drug use and its associated harms.

This observance underscores the importance of adopting harm reduction approaches, which have been demonstrated to save lives and protect communities, MUC stated in a press release.


Harm reduction encompasses a diverse array of policies, programmes, and practices designed to mitigate the negative consequences of drug use while upholding the rights and dignity of individuals and communities affected by it. Since its inception in the 1980s, harm reduction has evolved into a fundamental component of public health efforts worldwide, the MUC stated.

It stated that according to data from a 2017 review published in the Lancet Global Health, injecting drug use remains prevalent in a significant number of countries, with high rates of HIV and hepatitis C infections among people who inject drugs. In response to this ongoing public health challenge, 86 countries have implemented harm reduction programs, primarily focused on reducing the transmission of blood-borne infections associated with injecting drug use.

India, notably, has embraced harm reduction strategies through initiatives such as the National AIDS Control Program (NACP), particularly in regions like Manipur, which have long struggled with drug use and associated health risks. The Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) has played a pivotal role in implementing and expanding harm reduction programs, with a focus on community involvement and empowerment, it added.


On this International Harm Reduction Day, MUC has highlighted several key areas for consideration by state health authorities. These include the effectiveness of syringe exchange programs, the efficiency of Oral Substitution Therapy (OST), the importance of responsive community response mechanisms, advocacy for inclusivity and community involvement, and the need for updated information and education materials.

As we observe International Harm Reduction Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to evidence-based approaches that prioritize the health, dignity, and rights of all individuals affected by drug use, the MUC stated.


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Manipur Users CollectiveInternational Harm Reduction Daydrug use

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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