
First phase of MSFTI Screenwriting workshop ends

The first phase of the workshop was held from May 5 to 11, 2024 while the second phase will be held from May 20 to 27 at the Manipur State Film and Technology Institute (MSFTI), Palace Gate, Imphal.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 12 May 2024, 3:09 am


The first phase of the 15-day Screenplay Writing Course workshop under the theme ‘Awakening Mindscape’ concluded at Manipur State Film Development Society (MSFDS), Imphal on Saturday.

The first phase of the workshop was held from May 5 to 11, 2024 while the second phase will be held from May 20 to 27 at the Manipur State Film and Technology Institute (MSFTI), Palace Gate, Imphal.

The workshop is an initiative to provide basic training to filmmakers and aspiring screenwriters in the state.

The workshop was held under the course directorship of former HOD, Department of Direction and Screenplay Writing, Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata professor Shyamal Sengupta, who has taught in all premier film schools of the country for decades.


He imparted his experiences to the participants by sharing insights into the technicalities and nuances of professional screenwriting during the entirety of the course.

The workshop was organised by MSFTI under the aegis of Manipur Directorate of Arts and Culture.
Speaking on the occasion, Shyamal Sengupta expressed gratitude to organisers for bringing such a workshop to a film-savvy state like Manipur.

“The MSFTI director called me unexpectedly and invited me for the workshop one fine morning and here I am,” he said.

He stated that there was much needed push for professionalism in every aspect of filmmaking.

He further wished MSFTI would achieve great success after transitioning into a full-fledged film school and transform the filmscape of Manipur.


I hope such workshops continue till it transitions, he added.

Meanwhile, Arts and Culture commissioner M Joy emphasised that such workshop was a must in improving the film quality of Manipur.

He also expressed gratitude to the film fraternity of Manipur and participants for organising such an event.
Certificates of appreciation were also distributed to over 40 participants and observers during the closing event.

Manipuri filmmaker Oken Amakcham, veteran journalist Pradip Phanjoubam, MSFTI director Alexander Leo Pou, MSFDS secretary Sunzu Bachaspatimayum among other popular film figures of the state also took part in the event.


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Manipur State Film Development SocietyMSFTIscreenplay writing

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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