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Day with Khuga Battalion held

The 46th Assam Rifles organised Khuga Battalion on Saturday organised  ‘A Day With  Khuga Battalion’ for  students under Kuki Students’ Organisation (KSO) wherein 41 students and nine teaching staff attended the programme.

ByChurachandpur Correspondent

Updated 19 May 2024, 3:25 am


The 46th Assam Rifles organised Khuga Battalion on Saturday organised  ‘A Day With  Khuga Battalion’ for  students under Kuki Students’ Organisation (KSO) wherein 41 students and nine teaching staff attended the programme. The programme was held at the Battalion base camp at Khuga  Dam.


All the students and teaching staff were picked up by 46 AR soldiers in their bus from Tuibong peace ground.

At the battalion camp, Lt Col APS Kandari, 2IC 46 AR, welcomed the gathering and gave a presentation on Career in Indian Armed Forces followed by a quiz session.


Later in the day, the  students were taken to the AR’s  sports complex where Jalebi race, Dart competition, Balloon games, Tug of war, one-leg race was held followed by lunch. Gift hampers were also distributed to all the participants by AR on the occasion.


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churachandpurksoKhuga Battalion

Churachandpur Correspondent

Churachandpur Correspondent

Churachandpur district, Manipur


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