
COCOMI demands ministers/MLAs to place agenda

The Manipur intelligence has failed, considering the fact that they were blatantly ignorant of the hidden conspiracies to harm the state’s integrity, says COCOMI.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 14 May 2023, 9:56 am

(Representational Image: Unsplash)
(Representational Image: Unsplash)

The ministers and MLAs of Manipur should place their agenda on safeguarding the state's integrity to the public, the Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) said on Saturday.

The COCOMI, in a release, warned of another June 18 Uprising in the state should the ministers and MLAs failed to initiate all necessary measures and actions to solve the prevailing conflict, and strive together for a United Manipur instead of lobbying for seats.

It called upon the ministers and MLAs to set aside political differences and take a firm resolution to protect and safeguard Manipur's integrity before the state descend into complete chaos.


The Manipur intelligence has failed, considering the fact that they were blatantly ignorant of the hidden conspiracies to harm the state’s integrity, to form a separate administrative block in the state for long, it alleged.

It also lambasted the top officers of the Manipur State Police for turning a blind eye on the same.

COCOMI also held the state government and high level police officers responsible for the damage caused by the conflict, it added.

Expressing grief over the loss of lives, including that of the State and Central forces in "firing by a SoO militant group", COCOMI questioned why the authorities have not yet declared the militants as terrorists.


It also pointed out the security lapses when an irate mob of Churachandpur residents stormed at Torbung Bangla, mainly resided by Meetei people, following the outbreak of the riots on March 3, and further demanded to form High level enquiry Committee to probe the issue and award befitting punishments to the police officers found involved in the case.

The committee further urged the MLAs from both the ruling and the opposition to work together in public interest for a united manipur instead of being a silent spectator. It cautioned them of facing the wrath of the people if they continue to remain ignorant of the same in their game of power tussle.

COCOMI further appealed to all to protect the state’s integrity before it’s too late and reaffirmed its stand for unity and integrity at all times, it stated.


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cocomimanipur integritymanipur gvernment

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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