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AR conducts medical camp, saves snakebite victim

A total of 133 villagers (29 men, 37 women and 67 children) from Tuinem and neighboring villages in Ukhrul district received medical examinations and essential medications during the camp.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 19 Sept 2023, 3:06 am

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Assam Rifles, operating under the Inspector General Assam Rifles (South), organised a medical camp in Tuinem village of Ukhrul district on Monday.

According to a release by IGAR(S), this noble initiative was conducted at the request of village authorities, considering the lack of access to medical facilities in the village, which is situated quite a distance away from the district hospital in Ukhrul.


A total of 133 villagers (29 men, 37 women and 67 children) from Tuinem and neighboring villages received medical examinations and essential medications during the camp. Assam Rifles’ unwavering commitment to community well-being was evident in addressing the long-pending need for medical assistance among these villagers, the IGAR(S) said.

In Chandel, Assam Rifles, through its Modi Battalion, exemplified its unwavering commitment to the welfare of the local community by providing timely aid to a snakebite victim in Phunchong village, Chandel District, Manipur.

On the evening of September 17th, 2023, a 48-year-old resident of Phunchong village fell prey to a snakebite from a Chrysopelea snake, commonly known as the flying green snake, the IGAR(S) said. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the distressed individual reached out for immediate help from the Assam Rifles Unit Hospital in Modi, Chandel District, at around 7 pm.

The valiant personnel of the Assam Rifles acted swiftly and decisively providing the victim with immediate administration of anti-snake venom and symptomatic management to stabilise his condition, the IGAR(S) said.


Following successful stabilisation, the patient was safely transferred to a tertiary hospital for further evaluation and observation.




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assam riflesar medical campssnakebite victim

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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