
The final verdict

The question on everyone’s lips is not only about who is going to win in the two Lok Sabha seats of the state, but also about whether BJP and Modi is coming back once again or is a change coming in at the national level.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 4 Jun 2024, 4:01 am

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By Tuesday June 4, election results to the recently held Lok Sabha elections would be out putting a stop to all speculations and debate over the disputed exit polls. The question on everyone’s lips is not only about who is going to win in the two Lok Sabha seats of the state, but also about whether BJP and Modi is coming back once again or is a change coming in at the national level.

Both state and national level results are equally important in view of the present turmoil in Manipur which remains unresolved. We somehow feel despite the differing narratives built around the year-long clashes in this border state, whichever side wins geo-political considerations would certainly dominate any policy towards resolving the conflict.

We did ask, what if the BJP candidate is defeated? Will the chaos and mayhem continue? They said, this election is between those who want to break Manipur and those who want to keep Manipur’s integrity intact. Will the central BJP leadership take the side of those who want to break up Manipur if the voters of Inner Manipur vote for a candidate other than the BJP? Someone other than the state BJP leaders has been spreading the word that Meiteis are going to be punished if the BJP candidate is defeated. So what? Both the BJP governments at the Centre and state have failed in protecting the Meiteis in the last 11 months. What more is expected of them?


It is quite normal for BJP leaders to openly campaign for their candidate, even if they had acted so helpless when Meira Paibis and the youths were asking them to convince the central leadership to help solve the crisis in the state. As elected MLAs representing the people they were duty bound to present the views of the general populace to their leaders in New Delhi and impress upon them to act so that a semblance of peace and normalcy returns to the state. When groups of women Meira Paibis and youths of all hue stormed the residences of the said MLAs prodding them to act, they acted so helpless and witless that they had to be practically forced to go to New Delhi and convince the central leadership particularly the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Some of the MLAs had even complained that the chief  minister himself should lead the delegation. Yet, the MLAs were not granted an audience by the PM and as usual Union Home Minister Amit Shah would send them back after consoling them that Manipur’s territorial integrity would remain intact. The Chief Minister N Biren Singh tried to meet the Prime Minister whenever he went to New Delhi, but he also came back without meeting him. Amit Shah assured him that the Prime Minister had been monitoring the Manipur situation 24/7.

When the people of Manipur as a whole took exception to the Prime Minister remaining silent on the Manipur issue, state BJP leaders had no answer. The reality is that, state BJP leaders are so weak and insecure that they dare not question the Central leadership particularly Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. Even at the cost of peace and annihilation, they are not ready to question the acts of the central leadership. Perhaps they might go for BJP in power, if they are given the option of choosing between the interests of Manipur and the party.


Suddenly, with elections round the corner, state BJP leaders became alive as if by magic. They delved deep into the archives and came out with a video clip of August 15 when Narendra Modi mentioned Manipur in his speech from the ramparts of Red Fort. Yes, he did mention the violence with a hope that ‘the lull in the last few days’ will continue and Centre is committed to help out in bringing peace.

But, nothing concrete. Then after more than 10 months of violence, Modi gave an interview to Assam Tribune on April 9 in which he claimed that ‘Timely intervention of the Centre along with the efforts made by the state government have led to a marked improvement in the situation in Manipur.’ And the ‘timely intervention’ phrase became a joke on social media. On the other hand, the joy of state BJP leaders went through the roof. At last Modi has spoken, they said with a sense of bravado. The verdict comes on Tuesday June 4.



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election resultselections 2024outer manipurlok sabha elections 2024inner manipurlok sabha pollslok sabha election result

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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