
Market shutdown

Business and commercial activities should be allowed in Thangal Bazaar and Paona Bazaar, and the present residents should move elsewhere, probably in an enclave for the business community provided by the state.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 21 May 2024, 2:46 am


The Khwairamband Keithel or the Imphal main market has always been a favourite hunting ground for anyone or any organization in Manipur whether big and small or of the unknown variety seeking donations and funds in the name of any cause they could think of. For those civil society organisations of all hue besides clubs and associations seeking donations, they would demand something substantial and refusal to do so would be branded as anti-people and would sometimes lead to unhealthy confrontations and scenes where police had to intervene. For the underground organisations, it is altogether a different matter which had to be dealt with a different perspective.

In fact, there are skilled operators within the Bazaar community who deal with such situations in which the armed underground organisations are involved. These operators are sometimes dubbed as ‘agents’ and a conflict with the law and order establishment always occurs. Ironically, some of the operators end up as ‘collectors’ or informers which we have seen in the recent arrest of some non-Manipuri persons in the extortion racket. This racket has been going on for ages despite the special protection provided by the regular police and special commandos. But somehow this ‘protection’ seems to have its limits while police are always quick to deal with the daily nuisance of donations for every known or unknown organisations.

Perhaps, one of the main causes of the latest shutdown of the Imphal market must certainly be this ‘nuisance’ and of course the physical assault of some Bazaar residents by miscreants. The said miscreants involved in the latest incident of assault had been swiftly identified and arrested by the police. But still, the Bazaar lobby is up in arms and has resorted to a 24-hour shutdown of the market. There must be something unresolved which could not be brought to the public eye.


Going back years in history, the Bazaar based business community has had a stranglehold on the politics and economy of the state. One of the main causes of the second Nupilal had been artificial food scarcity caused by the powerful Marwari community as patronised by the British imperialists. And the legacy still lives on in the present political scenario.

The Bazaar based business lobby still holds the purse-strings of politics, no matter whomsoever comes to power and it is this lobby which dictates many of the policies. Unless backed by some powerful forces from outside the state, the politicians here depend on the Bazaar lobby and if someone has gone beyond the state they always return. That is why, the business lobby in Imphal market is a sort of milch cow or a hen laying golden eggs. This, anyone with an inkling of intelligence understands. And it is this same hand which is feeding both the state and the non-state. Nobody wants to disturb this delicate balance and it is only when some mad bull comes in charging, it becomes hell for everyone. The 24-hour shutdown of the main market in Imphal has affected everyone.

Let common sense prevail and business go on as usual. The general public also has its grievances. We had been flagging the issue of declaring the entire Bazaar area as a commercial zone. We honestly feel that business and commercial activities should be allowed in these two areas of Thangal Bazaar and Paona Bazaar, and the present residents should move elsewhere, probably in an enclave for the business community provided by the state.


If we remember correctly, the state cabinet had earlier decided to move godowns from the core area to the periphery areas. Same could be done in the case of Bazaar residents, in line with the concept of a Smart City. The business lobby was certainly against the cases of pedestrian-only streets and declaring of the core area as a commercial zone. In most cities across the country and around the world, it has been made mandatory for every commercial establishment to create their own parking spaces.



First published:


extortionKhwairamband Keithelpaona bazarmanipur crisismoney donationsthangal bazaarimphal main marketimphal shutdown

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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