
Nagas in Delhi call for third-party intervention on India-Naga-Myanmar conflict

Concerned Nagas, spearheaded by the Naga Students' Union Delhi (NSUD), held a demonstration at Kartavya Path, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi on Thursday.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 3 Mar 2023, 4:36 am

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Nagas in Delhi on Thursday called for a third-party intervention to help resolve the protracted India-Naga-Myanmar conflict. Aiming to draw the attention of the G20 members participating in the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting which is being held in Delhi, concerned Nagas from different walks of life held a demonstration at Kartavya Path, Rashtrapati Bhavan on Thursday.

Spearheaded by the Naga Students' Union, Delhi (NSUD), the demonstration called for the attention of prominent international organisations, including the United Nations (UN), and European Union (EU), and powerful states, including the United States, Germany, China, and the United Kingdom, among others. to intervene in the Indo-Naga conflict.

According to a statement issued by the NSUD, the Nagas, one of the indigenous communities in the Northeast India and North-western region of Myanmar, have been fighting for their self-determination and sovereignty for over 70 years.

"The ongoing conflict between the Nagas and the Indian government and the Myanmar government has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives, the displacement of millions, and a severe impact on the socio-economic development of the region. In light of the prolonged conflict and the lack of progress towards a peaceful resolution, the Naga people residing in Delhi have called for a third-party intervention to help resolve the protracted Indo-Naga conflict," the NSUD stated.

The Nagas believe that a neutral third-party mediator can provide an unbiased platform for negotiations between the Indian government and the Naga leaders, leading to a sustainable peace agreement, the NSUD stated, while adding that the Nagas remain hopeful that their call for third-party intervention will be heeded, and that a just and lasting solution will be reached ensuring their rights and aspirations are respected.




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nagasnsudindia naga myanmar conflictindo naga conflict

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