
Meitei Leepul calls for collective action

Meitei Leepul Pramot Singh thouburel stressed the importance of a unified effort to resolve Manipur crisis.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 26 Jun 2023, 5:10 pm


The Meitei Leepul on Monday emphasised the need for collective action to resolve the ongoing crisis in Manipur. 

In a statement made to a media team at a location in Imphal, thouburel of Meitei Leepul Pramot Singh highlighted that shutting down markets, imposing roadblocks, or engaging in agitations would not be effective measures to overcome the ongoing crisis.

Instead, he stressed the importance of a unified effort to combat the issue of illegal immigration and defend against attacks by Kuki militants.

According to Pramot, the ongoing unrest is not a simple conflict but a larger war against Kuki immigrants who have entered India, particularly Manipur, under the pretext of being victims.

However, he revealed that these immigrants are supported by drug cartels, certain politicians and missionaries. 

He claimed that drug cartels find it convenient to exploit the Kuki population from South and Southeast Asia as they are considered displaced people who can be easily utilised for their illicit activities and politicians seek their support for electoral gains while missionaries aim to convert them to Christianity.


The thouburel further stated that while modern Manipur comprises 37 different communities, including the Manipur Nepali, the Bazar community and Kuki brought by past kings, the influx of Kuki immigrants from other regions of South and Southeast Asia pose a significant threat.

Their primary objective, he alleged, is to establish their homeland, which they never had in history.

The inclusion of "Any Kuki Tribe" in the Scheduled Tribe (ST) list of Manipur has also contributed to the immigrants' ability to settle in the state and access the associated benefits, he stated.

Highlighting the cease-fire agreements made in neighbouring countries like Burma (Myanmar) where groups such as San, Kachin, Karin, and Wa have engaged in drug-related activities and poppy plantations, he claimed that immigrant Kuki groups in Manipur are following a similar model and taking advantage of the SoO agreement.

Pramot warned that allowing individuals of Kuki immigrants to hold significant positions in sensitive departments like Customs and Defence poses a grave national threat.

The demand for a homeland by Kuki immigrants is not limited to Manipur but is also a significant issue in Burma and Bangladesh, he said, highlighting its impact on South and Southeast Asia.


He further emphasised the need to strengthen the Meitei community by following the path laid by their forefathers and advocated for mutual respect among all 37 communities residing in the state, emphasising unity as the key to overcoming the ongoing war and pushing back against illegal immigrants.

To strengthen the Meitei community, he argued that markets should remain open, roads should be accessible, schools should function, and agricultural activities should continue.

He, however, stressed the importance of remaining vigilant in peripheral areas to defend against any attacks by Kuki militants. 

Pramot also suggested that the government should consider implementing the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and define a base year to identify illegal immigrants and further proposed a resettlement program in the hills with adequate security measures, as well as in the valley for Kuki individuals who are scrutinised and recognised as indigenous to Manipur, having been brought by the British.

Cautioning that Kuki immigrants are attempting to influence President Rule and change the chief minister through lobbying efforts, he urged the Meitei community to remain vigilant and prevent such developments, as supporting the homeland demand of displaced Kuki populations would have significant implications.


First published:


kuki militantsmanipur violencemeitei leepunpromot singhmeitel mleepul

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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