Critically acclaimed Manipuri filmmaker Haobam Paban Kumar is set to take centre stage at the 20th Altyn Minbar Karan International Film Festival, to be held from September 6 to 11 in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia with two of his narrative features, Joseph’s Son and Nine Hills One Valley, selected for screening.
In this esteemed event, Joseph’s Son will compete for the main awards in the competition section, while Nine Hills One Valley will be featured in the non-competition section under the category, ‘The Fate of Indian Tribes’, stated a release. Both films delve into the complexities of Manipur’s multi-ethnic society, presenting narratives that resonate deeply with the struggles and hopes of the people, it stated.
Haobam’s foray into fiction began with his 2016 debut Loktak Leirembee (Lady of the Lake), a film that received acclaim for its poetic style and political commentary on the weaponization of traditional society, it mentioned. The film, which premiered at the Berlin and Busan International Film Festivals, marked a significant departure from Haobam’s earlier work in documentaries, such as the award-winning AFSPA 1958, which addressed the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act. His 2006 documentary A Cry in the Dark made history as the first Manipuri documentary to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), highlighting his ability to bring pressing social issues to the forefront through cinema, it added.
The selection of Joseph’s Son and Nine Hills One Valley for the Altyn Minbar Karan International Film Festival is not just a triumph for Haobam but a proud moment for Manipur, it stated. The Karan Festival, which started in 2005, has become a significant cultural event, drawing filmmakers and cinephiles from around the world. Its focus on human relationships, family values, traditions, and moral issues aligns perfectly with the themes explored in Haobam’s work, it added.