
MP Sanajaoba suggests uniform for hawkers

Rajya Sabha MP and titular king of Manipur, Leishemba Sanajaoba, lauded the hawkers for their relentless dedication in ensuring newspapers reach subscribers across the state.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 26 Aug 2024, 1:32 am


Rajya Sabha MP and titular king of Manipur, Leishemba Sanajaoba, has called for the introduction of a common uniform for hawkers across Manipur to enhance their identification and ensure their safety while on duty.

This suggestion was made during the 43rd Hawker Day Celebration of the Manipur Hawkers’ Association (MHA) at the Lainingthou Sanamahi Temple in Imphal on Sunday.


The celebration included a series of activities, such as paying floral tributes to deceased members, presenting pensions to retired members, and awarding donor certificates to those who have supported the association.

In his speech, Sanajaoba lauded the hawkers for their relentless dedication in ensuring newspapers reach subscribers across the state, regardless of the challenges posed by weather and other adversities.

He emphasised the critical role hawkers play in connecting people to daily news and maintaining the flow of information, which is vital for a well-informed society.

“Hawkers should never feel modest about their profession,” Sanajaoba stated, urging them to take pride in their work.


“Your efforts are crucial to the economic stability of Manipur. The role you play in the dissemination of news is irreplaceable, and no new technology can ever take the place of the newspaper in our lives,” he added.

The MP further stressed the need for a common gathering point for hawkers who travel from various parts of the state to collect newspapers. Acknowledging the challenges they face, Sanajaoba assured the hawker community that he would support the construction of a suitable gathering point, provided an appropriate location could be identified.

The event also witnessed the presence of Wangkhem Ajit Singh president of the Manipur Hawkers’ Association and M Shivadutta Luwang member secretary of the Lainingthou Sanamahi Temple Board as presidium members.


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Leishemba Sanajaobanewspaper hawkersuniform for hawkers

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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