Thoubal Deputy Commissioner Ahanthem Subhash Singh, who is also the District Election Officer, on Tuesday chaired the meeting of District Monitoring Committee on Accessible Election (DMCAE) and District SVEEP Core Committee in respect of Thoubal district at the Conference Hall of DC/District Election Officer, Thoubal.
The meeting was held to discuss the implementation of Systematic Voter’s Education and Participation (SVEEP), a multi-intervention programme that needs to educate citizens about the electoral process in order to increase awareness and participation.
During the meeting the Deputy Commissioner said that following the completion of pre-revision activities, the Revised Schedule was published on October 27, 2023. He urged all the Nodal Officers’ and members to make sure that an awareness campaign is organised AC wise including schools, colleges and marketplace.
He stated that NGOs in the district (included in the committee as members) have a big role to play in the election process for enrolment specially for differently abled citizens who are housebound. Under the supervision of the Zonal Education Officer awareness especially for first time voters in schools and colleges with the help of the Electoral Literacy Clubs should be organised. Special focus on Transgender community should be given so that they are not left out in the electoral process, he added.
The meeting was attended by members of the District Monitoring Committee on Accessible Election (DMCAE) and District SVEEP Core Committee.