A division bench of the Manipur High Court led by Chief Justice Shiddarth Mridul has stayed the order directing RIMS authorities to give in-charge posting of Dr L Ranjit as director while asking the incumbent Dr G Sunil Kumar Sharma not to function as director of RIMS till a period of two months and 28 days.
The order asking Dr Ranjit to take over was passed by Justice MV Murlidharan on October 31.
The division bench while issuing notice to the respondent Dr Ranjit listed the matter on December 20.
Mention may be made, cases regarding the directorship of RIMS has been raging since long
Dr L Ranjit Singh had on January 16, 2023 challenged the order entrusting the additional charge of director RIMS to another professor doctor and to consider him for the post of director being the senior most faculty member of the RIMS.
ALSO READ: Dr Ranjit takes self-charge as RIMS director
Following the petition, the single judge bench of MV Murlidharan allowed the petition and directed the respondent authorities to give additional charge of director, RIMS, Imphal to Ranjit till his retirement in September, 2023.
The HC has directed authorities to give additional charge of director RIMS to L Ranjit till his retirement in the month of September, 2023.
However, the Ministry of health and family welfare appointed Dr G Sunil Kumar as the Director who joined office in June, 2023.