The Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) on Friday urged the MLAs who are currently camping in Delhi to invite the chief minister to join them and consider the Opposition's suggestions for a concrete solution to end the prevailing unrest in Manipur.
The longstanding practice of MLAs camping in Delhi to restore normalcy has yielded no positive outcomes, lamented MPCC president K Meghachandra during a media briefing at Congress Bhawan in Imphal.
He emphasised that these efforts have failed to secure even a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Meghachandra also noted that the MLAs appear to be in Delhi due to pressure from civil bodies rather than their own intent.
He described it as a mere "drama of old wine in a new bottle" and criticized the absence of leadership among the MLAs.
He drew attention to the state cabinet’s recent condemnation of the atrocities allegedly carried out by the AR and questioned the government's sincerity in addressing such actions.
He further inquired about the actions taken by the unified command following the government's condemnation.
Meghachandra also proposed an alternative approach, suggesting that the cabinet take a decisive step to remove the AR from Manipur and raise the matter to the Central government.
He also recommended meeting with the Prime Minister or union minister to apprise them of the situation, believing that such actions could lead to the removal of AR from Manipur and the restoration of peace.
Criticising the government for allegedly disregarding the recommendations and opinions of CSOs, the public, and the Opposition, Meghachandra argued, such behaviour reflects a lack of government's enthusiasm in resolving the ongoing violence that has persisted for over four months.
He expressed deep concern over the consequences of the prolonged unrest, highlighting its detrimental effects on various aspects of Manipur, including the economy and education and went on to state that “the government system is totally paralysed, forget about law and order.”
If the unrest persists, crime rates may surge, ultimately leading to the collapse of Manipur, he cautioned.
In light of these pressing concerns, MPCC called for urgent and meaningful dialogue with enthusiastic participation of the MLAs and ministers to bring an end to the unrest and restore peace in Manipur.