Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Monday informed on the floor of the House that a total of 18,371 families have been affected by the ongoing violence that began on May 3, 2023 and that 14,857 families were residing in relief camps and temporary shelters.
CM Biren was responding to a query moved by MLA Surjakumar Okram as an unstarred question on Monday during the sixth session of 12th Manipur Legislative Assembly.
The CM also informed that the number of male IDPs are 18,843, female at 21,245, male children at 12,977 and female children at 13,763.
CM Biren said that the amount of funds released by the government of India for IDPs till date is Rs 225.54 crore and the amount spent so far, including the state’s own contribution, is Rs 377.07 crore.
Financial assistance of Rs 1000 per person for clothing and personal belongings has been given four times to IDPs, he added.
In another query moved by MLA K Ranjit regarding compensation of houses burnt down in the ongoing violence, the chief minister said that the state cabinet has decided to give Rs 1 lakh relief to each family whose houses were burnt down due to ongoing violence.
As of now, Rs 25,000 has been sanctioned to the Deputy Commissioners for relief of 2792 families, he added.
The CM also informed that the total number of houses burnt down is 11,133, out of which 3446 are fully verified and relief given to 2792 families.
CM Biren also informed that relief has been sanctioned nine times to Imphal West, Imphal East-115, Bishnupur-512 and Kangpokpi-2156.
Due to some issues on land ownership, there is confusion in verification for some houses burnt down during the violence, the CM said, adding that the remaining relief will be given after verification.